We have spent a lot of bedtimes lately exploring the concept of opposites. Today’s headlines are a representative selection, reflecting the spectrum of vibes in which Kina dwells on a daily basis. While she has achieved a certain mastery of most familiar adjectives, she stumbles a lot on nouns, which don’t really have opposites but are fun to explore.
“What’s the opposite of Puppy?” (Panda)
“What’s the opposite of truck?” (bike)
“What’s the opposite of nose?” (butt)
She’s accused me of being stinky a lot lately, which is probably fair, since I’ve spent the last four years calling her stinky. It stings a bit, though, when she walks into a room, sniffs a bit, and declares that the room “has a Daddy smell”. I would like to think that I am on the “good” side of the good/smell dichotomy. You’d have to ask her.