Okay, setting aside Kina’s unwillingness to commit to a long-term relationship with the PBS gross nature videos channel, I think we are all a little reasonably skeptical of liking and subscribing to things. I do not like being pandered to, and I like pandering even less.
And yet, here we go.
I’ve been drawing this paper every day now for almost three years. I’ve got it down, nestled tightly in the space between Kina brushing her teeth and Kina being rushed out the door (much to her dismay) to school. I have worked through at least fifteen Canson mixed-media pads, three stacks of the best white construction paper in the entire world, and an irresponsible number of Crayola washable markers. I do this, as I have said, for my own mental well-being, for some future Kina who wants to know what this time was like, and for you, the person who is reading this.
The news out there is not good, y’all. I am not here to tell you to spend more time with it (against my better judgement and the interests of my other employer), but I am here to tell you that I am thrilled every time I run into one of you on the street and you get all shy and tell me that you are “a huge fan of The Daily Kina”. I know, in those moments, that TDK is doing for you what it does for me—the world’s most widely-read newspaper about a single elementary-school student bolsters your optimism and your resolve.
That is its intended purpose.
So, here’s the thing. I do not know how long I will continue to produce these, but I do not see any indication that the end is nigh, and I have waited too long to give you all a chance to at least raise your hands in support of this work (and Kina’s college fund). To that end, I’m opening up pledges for subscriptions. This is basically just you all being like, “sure, I’d pitch in”, and then I’d be like, “oh yeah this looks promising. I’ll… do something, or something else.”
It will help me offset the costs of materials and higher education. I will think of something. I might make a book. I literally don’t know, but it’s easy for me to offer to you; if it’s easy for you to offer something in return, I’m game.
So, if this publication sustains you, go ahead and tell others. It’s time. And if you want to sustain it, that’s also good. It’s all for the kid.
Nothing will happen to you if you subscribe, I promise. Nothing gross, at least. Let’s do it, broguys.