I keep observing this phenomenon from afar, here at The Daily Kina HQ, in which Kina demands a hug from Laurea after doing something mildly annoying to me, which Laurea reluctantly grants. Kina, noting her mother’s reluctance, then requests further hugs for no particular reason, other than that Laurea is playing it low-key so as not to amplify her rising frustration, which worries Kina. Kina then asks for more hugs to confirm her mother’s love for her (about which, to be clear, there is no question), which Laurea rightly sees as a troubling pattern, triggering further urgency about the hugs. I do not know what to do about any of this, but I suspect there’s something in here about the way that children and their parents need each other, and how endearing and frustrating that can be for all involved.
We don’t take it for granted.