After seven long weeks at the strangest Olympics he has ever witnessed, Kina’s beloved uncle Ken has returned to the country from China, in possession of big hugs and a collectible panda stuffie. We are pleased to report that Kina is thrilled.
I learned in the minutes following yesterday’s delivery that the New York Times (which recent readers will remember is my second workplace) featured another piece on how (and whether) to talk to kids about war. While there are numerous ways to offer financial support to organizations on the ground in Ukraine, you may be interested in donating to Voices of Children, which offers psychological counseling and support for traumatized children there. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not point out that countless societies and their children have been living under occupation (by our own country, at times) and war since time immemorial; this particular crisis calls our attention to imperialism everywhere, and the children who must survive it.
At top, as you might expect, is a rainbow. At bottom right, as you might expect, is Elsa, who makes her first appearance in Parade today. Kina wrote the masthead herself .