It’s not entirely clear to me if Kina’s observation here is that I am the Daddy genius or that I am somehow the exception that proves the rule? I feel decisively not like a genius on most days, which has me leaning towards the non-genius case, but I know a lot more trivia about the environment and music than she does, which probably gives me genius vibes.
Kina, I would offer, is the real genius of this family, but I am her dad and could be overstating things.
Today’s Parade inverts the typical production process, with Kina doing the structural work around Mommy’s drawings (of Elsa and Anna of Frozen) this time. In a last-minute shocker, Kina also agreed to do the lettering for the Parade logo for the first time ever. This saved me many minutes of fretting over type size and color, and I am deeply grateful to her for it.